

  • 11
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 上海市 静安区 石门二路街道 333弄恒安大厦23楼C座
  • 姓名: 张先生
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定



  • 所属行业:商务服务 咨询服务
  • 发布日期:2018-04-12
  • 阅读量:393
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:不限
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海静安石门二路  
  • 关键词:电梯,CE,LIFT,2014/33/EU,EAC,CU-TR


    新的电梯指令2014/33/EU将于2016年4月20日开始强制执行,完全替代旧版指令95/16/EC Lifts, 没有过渡期。
    The new Lifts Directive 2014/33/EU on lifts and safety components for lifts will be applicable from 20 April 2016 and replace old directive 95/16/EC without transition period.
           2014年3月29日,新电梯指令2014/33/EU颁布,新指令将于2016年4月20日开始在欧盟成员国强制实施,相比之下,新的标准EN 81-20和EN 81-50,没有过渡期,幸运的是,新的指令实施影响并不大。
    On 29 March 2014 the new Lift Directive was published. This directive comes into force in every European member state on 20 April 2016. In contrast to the new EN 81-20 and EN 81-50 standards, there is no transition period. Luckily the consequences of this new directive are not so bad.
    Does the new Lift Directive affect your business?
    If you produce, import or distribute safety components for lifts or if you install lifts, we have made a checklist to help you easily assess whether you are on track for 20 April 2016. If you are not sure, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to guide you.
    What changes with the new Lift Directive?
    l  The provision against unintended car movement, in directive jargon the UCMP, is not currently a safety component, but it is in the new directive. An EU type certificate will soon be needed for this, along with an EU conformity statement and a CE mark.
    l  EC changes to EU. In the new directive, the same designation applies to all European countries.
    l  With a unit verification, the certificate of conformity will soon become aconformity certificate.
    l  The CE declaration, issued when a lift goes into service, will soon be called an ‘EU declaration of conformity’.
    l  More identification information for product marking will have to be added to the lift and safety components.
    l  The only technical change is that with a unit verification a load test is mandatory throughout Europe.
    Training, certification and guidance
    欢迎来到上海欧测信息科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市静安区石门二路街道333弄恒安大厦23楼C座,联系人是张先生。 主要经营上海欧测历史悠久,在中国是较早进行第三方认证的机构之一。我们对于*联体地区、欧盟地区、巴西地区、美国、加拿大地区、哥伦比亚、南非等地区的各种产品认证法规有深刻研究,因此我们更加专业,所以您找我们合作可以更加放心。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 5000万 - 1亿元。 你有什么需要?我们都可以帮你一一解决!我们公司主要的特色服务是:*联体地区认证,非洲认证,北美认证等,“诚信”是我们立足之本,“创新”是我们生存之源,“便捷”是我们努力的方向,用户的满意是我们较大的收益、用户的信赖是我们较大的成果。